In these modern times we all are surrounded by technology on
a daily basis, and the universe of people not using it is very small and mainly
made up of elderly people who are not interested in participating in this new
revolution. And in the same way, we all
have a favorite technological device, in my case is my notebook, by far! Mainly
because in the i can do everything i need, even use the app whatsapp, which
before was only for cell phone. But, come on! Technology advances and now you
can control the phone with the same computer and vice versa. In my case, i prefer my laptop by a theme of comfort and visibility. It is also important for my because:
"fat fingers" need keys more large, and all those who have received a
message from my phone can see how badly I write by pushing many buttons at the
same time. It's only comfort. In addition, it is really useful for all you
want! My laptop is only 2 years old, was a gift to get into the university, and the truth is that I use it every day for different things, watch series on Netflix, listen to music and everything to do with the University.
Hi Javiera, my parents also gave me a computer as a gift when I entered to university two years ago. It is very useful!